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Need to motivate a group? Check out the keynotes below. Let's make a connection. 

  • Starter Coach
  • Starter Coach



Using my background in a sports environment I'll guide your team through unifying, accepting their unique roles and how they play into the big picture. I'll show them how taking ownership of their choices leads to increased productivity and peace.


Being a business owner myself, I know the challenges of being a leader. I'll walk you through the characteristics of starters and train your organization to use three steps for identifying and filling the gaps.


Growing up in the public eye was hazardous for me as a people-pleaser. It took me too many years to figure out who I was.

I introduce the tools to fight cultural influence by identifying three critical relationships, your own unique gifts and how they all shape you. 


My Story

My experience is diverse - from the arts to HR to coaching. Through all my roles, I've realized that success hinges on the ability to invest in both the things and the people that most influence your life. 


Since my teen years, I've held roles in leadership as Arizona's Junior Miss of 1997, captain of sports teams, currently as manager and owner of multiple businesses and through many other church and community leadership roles. My most substantial qualifier, however, may be motherhood.  


I am passionate about youth and young adults. Get Z has more to offer than both they and their predecessors often realize. I shine the light on that potential.


As the only daughter of a prominent player for the National Football League, Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Danny White, the affiliation with "America's Team" left me well-schooled in presentation and composure under scrutiny. I also learned to hold my own with three brothers who did their best to rough my edges. Read about it in our book!


If you have a group that needs motivation on these topics; family values, teamwork, or productivity, my presentations are designed to inspire your audience members to become starters. I travel from Salt Lake City area, UT, USA.


One last thing. I'm passionate about faith-based coaching and offer occasional pro-bono events. If you have a gathering under this niche, I'd love to speak to your group about how faith is the foundation for starting!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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